Organic farmers already feeling in the pinch in fodder shortages

Organic farmers already feeling in the pinch in fodder shortages

As autumn advances farmers are glad to leave behind one of the worst summers on record. However, while memories of the bad summer fade, the harsh reality facing many farmers now is the issue of feeding animals throughout the winter.

Organic farmers have growing concerns about sourcing organic feed for animals, as required to retain their organic licence. Organic fodder (hay and silage) is in short supply in many areas which is extremely worrying for farmers. With many organic farmers particularly in the Western seaboard reporting reduced harvests in hay and silage there will be a severe shortage of grass based animals feeds this year. Paralleled with increased costs for concentrated organic feed it will be a difficult winter for organic farmers.

Gillian Westbrook, General Manager, IOA stated “IOA urge farmers to make a strong case about their individual fodder shortages and to be specific about their requirements. Farmers need to send in derogations to the office immediately so that IOA can forward them to the Department for consideration. Applications will be examined on a case by case basis and hopefully will ensure that animals remain in the organic sector where demand remains steady” she said.

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For more information please contact;


Gillian Westbrook

General Manager IOFGA

Tel 087 7819967


Grace Maher

Development Officer IOFGA

Tel 0876125989