DAFM launches two horticulture schemes of potential relevance to organic growers
In light of the impacts of Brexit and the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the Irish horticulture sector, the DAFM has launched two schemes that target horticulture producers. Both schemes are open for a limited period, with further details outlined below.
Horticulture Exceptional Payment Scheme (HEPS)
Deadline: midnight Friday 24th June 2022.
HEPS is an exceptional scheme with aims to support growers deemed to be most affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine with a once-off payment designed to ensure their short-term security. The scheme is open to growers of glasshouse high-wire crops (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers), mushrooms, field vegetables (eligible crops listed in T&Cs Appendix 1) and apples for the dessert, culinary and processing markets.
For growers to qualify they must be able to demonstrate an annual turnover of €50,000 or more based on their latest set of accounts, be registered with the DAFM and have submitted a BPS application in 2022. Organic growers should provide evidence that they are a certified organic horticulture producer.
Payments to growers of high-wire crops, field vegetables and apples will be made on an area basis (per hectare) for crops being grown in 2022, while payments for mushrooms will be based on the quantity (weight in kg) sold over the period from 1st January 2022 to 30th April 2022. Payment will be capped at €100,000 per beneficial owner.
Completed applications accompanied with the necessary documentation must be emailed (HEPS@agriculture.gov.ie) or posted to the DAFM by midnight 24th June 2022.
Full details, including application forms, are available here.
Scheme of Investment Aid for the Seed Potato Sector
Deadline: 5pm Friday 1st July
This Scheme is targeted at potato growers who specialise in growing seed potatoes to be placed on the market. It provides grant aid for capital investments in specialised plant and equipment including renewable energy and other technology adoption specific to the potato sector.
Capital grant aid will be supported at a rate of up to 40% of all approved investments, with qualifying young farmers receiving up to 60%. Support is based on a minimum investment of €10,000 up to €500,000 (excluding VAT).
Completed applications accompanied with the necessary documentation must be submitted in hard copy by Friday 1st July 2022 to the DAFM. Emailed applications will not be accepted.
Full details, including application forms, are available here.