Never had entitlements under the Single Farm Payment – All farms including and fruit and veg – read on
Under the Scottish Derogation entitlements will be allocated to persons who never held entitlements under the Single Payment Scheme (2005-2014) and who on 15 May 2013 were actively engaged in the production of an agricultural product in the beef, dairying, sheep or arable sectors.
The Fruit and Vegetable provision relates to persons who were not eligible to receive a direct payment in 2013 but were actively farming on 15 May 2013 whereby they produced fruits and/or vegetables on a minimum area of one hectare. (Such persons may have held entitlements under the Single Payment Scheme.)
Applications should be submitted using the online facility available at
All applicants should familiarise themselves with the Terms and Conditions which can be accessed below. The closing date for receipt of applications is 29th May 2015.