Applications sought for the Teagasc/DAFM Organic Farm Demonstration Programme 2019/2020
The DAFM and Teagasc are inviting applications from Organic Farmers to become Organic Demonstration Farms for the purposes of the Organic Demonstration Farm Walks Programme 2019-2020. Under this programme, a nationwide series of national organic farming open days will take place on selected organic demonstration farms from Autumn/Winter 2019 to Summer 2020.
Application forms are now available on the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine website at Consideration will be given to Organic Farmers who have full organic status on some or all of their land and farmers who have commenced conversion to organic production.
For the Organic Demonstration Farm Programme each demonstration farm walk will focus on specific topics e.g. animal nutrition, animal welfare, crop rotation, soil fertility.
PLEASE NOTE the completed application must be submitted to the Irish Organic Association for onward transmission to the Department before the closing date of Friday 30th August, 2019. Only applications received from OCB’s before the closing date will be considered for inclusion in the Programme.
All queries regarding this Notice should be emailed to