Organic recipe of the week – Buckwheat Porridge
This week’s recipe is from Iswari who have a fantastic range of organic products available to buy directly from their website or from your local health food shop. As the autumnal weather creeps in this is a quick warm way to start your day.
Buckwheat Porridge
Organic Ingredients:
1 and ¼ cups of raw buckwheat soaked for 20 minutes
3 dried figs or 5 dried apricots or dates soaked for 20 minutes (separately than buckwheat)
I handful of pumpkin seeds soaked with the dried fruit
I teaspoon or tablespoon of Iswari bee pollen
2 teaspoons Iswari coconut sugar
2 tablespoons Iswari supersprout mix
Strain and rinse the buckwheat thoroughly. Place the drained buckwheat in the blender. Put the figs, seeds and the water that they were soaked in the blender also. Pour boiled water into the blend cover the ingredients and then fill about ½ an inch over the contents. Blend until it is smooth and then garnish with the bee pollen, coconut sugar and supersprout mix. Enjoy!