Government proposes revised payment rates for new CAP Organic Farming Scheme
Complementary policy measures vital to the success of a growing organic farming sector
20/07/22 – Today the government announced its revised payment rates for the new Organic Farming Scheme (OFS) funded under the forthcoming CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027. The new payment rates foresee a significant increase in support from 2023 for farmers interested in converting to organic production as well as the thousands of organic farmers who already hold full organic symbol status. The OFS is expected to open for new applicants in October 2022.
Gillian Westbrook, Irish Organic Association CEO, said “We welcome the Irish Government’s continued commitment to invest in the development of organic production in Ireland. An attractive and reliable Organic Farming Scheme can play a pivotal role in supporting farmers who are the foundation of Ireland’s dynamic and innovative organic sector. The multiple benefits of organic farming include supplying high-quality food and other products, and delivering for the environment and animal welfare which can contribute to sustainable development across the country”.
As an active member of the DAFM CAP Consultative Committee and National Organic Strategy Group, the Irish Organic Association recognises that the OFS is a key feature of the Government’s wider commitment to meeting the goals of Ireland’s National Organic Strategy 2019-2025 and the EU Organic Action Plan. Full implementation of all instruments is critical to ensure that the Irish organic sector is empowered to tackle the many sustainability challenges facing the agri-food industry.
Westbrook added, “Alongside the OFS, it is essential that the further development of Ireland’s organic policy leaves no stone unturned. The Irish Organic Association will continue to work with government and other interested stakeholders to stimulate all key policy levers, from developing new markets and supply chains in Ireland and with our partners across Europe, and a strong agricultural knowledge and innovation system for organics, to ensuring meaningful prioritisation under relevant CAP supports and other policies.”
For further comment please contact Gillian Westbrook, CEO of the Irish Organic Association at 087 7819967, or by email at
The Organic Farming Scheme is operated by the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine (DAFM), and provides financial support to farmers to encourage the development of the organic supply base. Applicants must be registered with an approved organic certification body such as the Irish Organic Association before applying. Further information can be found here. The new OFS is expected to be open for new applicants in October 2022. New payment rates are subject to the final approval of Ireland’s CAP Strategic Plan.
Interested in conversion? New Farmers can contact the Irish Organic Association on 090 643 3680 or email to talk through the process with a member of our friendly team. Further details are available through our website.
According to the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), European demand for organic food more than doubled between 2011 and 2020. Five of Ireland’s key export destinations for organics namely; France, Germany Italy, the Netherlands and the UK represented over two-thirds of the European organic food retail sales in 2020. Reporting from Bord Bia in 2021 estimated that the value of the Irish organic market up to 2025 will grow by about 9% annually.